Wed 10am-11am (Lecture)

Wed 11am-12pm (Group)

OH: Fridays 11am-1pm


EECS 16B Spring 2021

Course Overview

EECS 16B is a continuation of EECS 16A. Together, they serve as an introduction to frequencies of the EECS spectrum pertaining to math and engineering. 16B builds on top of material learned in 16A to dive into topics ranging across differential equations, circuits, systems theory, linear algebra, SVD, PCA, LTI systems, and convolution.

Discussion Notes

Module 1: Circuits

Module 2: Controls

Module 3: Optimization/ML

Module 4: Signals

Week Date Section Topics Links
1 M 1/18 1A No Discussion
W 1/20 1B Introduction + 16A Review PDF
2 M 1/25 2A N/A
W 1/27 2B RC Circuits, Differential Equations PDF
3 M 2/1 3A N/A
W 2/3 3B Change of Basis Pt. 1: Vector Differential Equations PDF
4 M 2/8 4A N/A
W 2/10 4B Change of Basis Pt. 3 PDF
5 M 2/15 5A Holiday
W 2/17 5B Phasor Analysis PDF
6 M 2/22 6A N/A
W 2/24 6B Resonance, Badnpass Filters, Bode Plots PDF
7 M 3/1 7A N/A
W 3/3 7B System ID and Stability PDF
8 M 3/8 8A N/A
W 3/10 8B Controllability and Feedback PDF
9 M 3/15 9A Midterm
W 3/17 9B Gram-Schmidt Orthonormalization
M 3/22 Spring Break
W 3/24 Spring Break
10 M 3/29 10A N/A
W 3/31 10B
11 M 4/5 11A N/A
W 4/7 11B
12 M 4/12 12A N/A
W 4/14 12B
13 M 4/19 13A N/A
W 4/21 13B
14 M 4/26 14A N/A
W 4/28 14B
15 M 5/3 15A N/A
W 5/5 15B

